Monday, June 14, 2010

19 Simple Home Remedies For Acne

Home Remedies For Acne ; Finding ways of treating acne at home is much easier than most people think. The ones that are mentioned below are easily prepared and always available. You may find these ingredients lurking in your bathroom, your kitchen cupboards or in your fridge vegetable compartment. Chances are you will and you may find these ingredients as an effective natural acne treatment.

1. Carrot Juice: The essential oils found in carrot juice will aid digestion and help stop acne.

2. Aloe vera juice: Is a great remedy for acne. The cactus-like leaves produce a gel like substance that has medicinal properties that disinfect while they heal at the same time. Aloe has also been found to be good for healing scars. Works fast as acne treatment. Use as an ointment on acne. It can also be taken internally to treat acne.

3. Salt: Salt naturally kills bacteria. It was used in the olden days to clean wounds, and why we use it to gargle our throats when they’re sore. To leave your face oil free and squeaky clean, simply wash your face twice a day in warm salty water.

4. Cucumber Remedy: You'll need to blend cucumber and make a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1/2 an hour before rinsing.

5. Garlic: It is not the nicest smell for most people but if you rub the pimple(acne) with a freshly cut clove of garlic, it will release the oil which acts as an antiseptic, thus drying out the pimple(acne).

6. Lavender oil: can also be directly applied to skin areas with acne.

7. Cooked oatmeal: can also be applied on the skin for about 15 minutes. Then wash off.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar/Lemon Juice: Removes excess oils from facial skin, therefore is effective as an acne treatment.

9. Avocado: mashed up avocado paste and water can be a good facial wash.

10. Honey: Honey has antibacterial properties so it is great for disinfecting and healing minor blemishes. Apply a honey mask to your face once or twice a week. It is also gentle on sensitive skin.

11. Egg white: Egg whites can be an effective acne remedy when applied on the acne for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

12. Ice: helps to reduce or slow the redness or inflammation of a pimple, but hasn’t been proven to reduce acne. Hold an ice cube to your pimple until you can't stand the cold. Or put some ice in plastic bag and hold it against your face.

13. Ground Orange Peel: has limonene as a component, which acts an anti-bacterial, or anti-fungal agent. Limonene (oil extracted from citrus peel) is actually chemically produced for household cleaning agents. Grind the orange peel with some water and apply it to your face.

14. Almonds is also good for blackheads. Make a paste with it and use it as a cleanser. It's a great emollient which softens and smoothes the skin. Almond oil contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and some E. It helps the skin to balance loss and absorption of moisture.

15. Vinegar/Cumin: Paste made from the mixture of vinegar and ground seeds of black cumin can also be applied to the skin as an acne treatment.

16. Bay leaves: Ground bay leaves that are blanched in water and are cooled afterwards can also be applied on the skin with acne.

17. Toothpaste: put a dab of white toothpaste on pimple(acne) and leave it overnight. If this doesn't work, you can use a little triple antibiotic ointment or a zinc-based baby rash ointment.

18. Nutmeg and Milk: One of the really good home acne treatments is by applying a paste of nutmeg and milk. Take nutmeg in a small bowl and add milk to it. Stir the mixture till a smooth paste is formed. Apply this paste and leave it for one to two hours to see a considerable difference in acne marks.

19. Steam: Taking steam 2-3 times a week, drastically reduces the occurrence of acne. Take a pot of hot, boiling water, add a few drops of lavender essential oil and let the erupting steam hit you in face. Steam opens up the pores and cleans them, thus eliminating the chances of bacterial infection. However, make sure to apply an ice cube over the face, after steam to close the pores again. Remember, this is an important step, because the open pores can worsen the condition.

The above tips of home acne treatments can relieve the symptoms of acne, the next time you have a bout of acne, all you have to do is walk to the kitchen and whip up the best home acne treatments. Clear Skin: Organic Action Plan for Acneis a great book that helps you to learn how to create simple natural homemade skincare for your acne and post-acne marks. Support us by getting your copy here!

Photo credit:
Image: Tina Phillips /


  1. Wow! At least half of these I already have at home. Thank you so much for putting up this list. I am amazed that all these acne treatments are in my kitchen all this time.

  2. Garlic? Wow, I never knew it can get rid of acne. Thanks for the new info, I learned something new today!

  3. All these stuff are readily available at any home. This is great, thanks for the information.
