Unlike surgery, acne laser treatment is a good option, it is non-invasive. Patients often choose this type of treatment over invasive procedures such as dermabrasion that may require 10 days to 3 weeks recovery, while laser resurfacing only requires 3 to 10 days of healing.
What are the different types of Laser Treatment
There are a variety of acne laser treatment for ongoing bouts as well as scarring. The many types of laser treatment include pulsed light and heat, bluelight, photodynamic therapy (PDT) and ALA and light therapy. Let's look at these briefly.
- Pulsed heat and light method uses pulses of heat and light energy to target sebaceous glands and bacteria, thus minimizing both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne.
- Bluelight laser
therapy method is FDA approved and uses a narrow-band, high-intensity blue light to kill bacteria which does not contain skin damaging UV light.
- ALA and light therapy method fights inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne with a two-step process involving a photosensitizing compound applied to the skin and light therapy that kills bacteria and shrinks sebaceous glands.
- PDT method is similar to ALA and light therapy but uses different photosensitizing chemical compounds.
For people who are looking to clear up stubborn acne without surgery or invasive procedures, acne laser treatment is an option worth considering.